Land Planning + Civil Engineering + Land Surveying & Mapping

Specializing in land entitlements, subdivisions, and condo mapping.

In an age where service is suffering and runaway costs are rampant, DJR’s civil engineering division takes pride in providing exceptional service at competitive prices with an old-school positive attitude.

DJR Cos. launched DJR Engineering out of a necessity to reduce consultant costs and streamline development on its own projects. As such, we understand the client’s perspective. DJR Engineering provides all the civil engineering, planning, and surveying services of a large firm at the competitive pricing of a nimble one.

The DJR team has made careers out of solving difficult site development issues. All projects are completed under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor who is professionally responsible for the work.  In the office and in the field, DJR’s team maintains the highest quality control standards for an accurate and superior work product delivered on-time and within budget.

  • DJR’s technical team has vast experience in multiple asset types and land use classifications throughout a variety of special circumstances and site constraints.  DJR Engineering accepts commissions on projects in the private development arena, public agency sector, or involving military facilities such as those listed below.

    Single Family Detached Subdivisions

    Planned Residential Developments

    Small Infill Residential Projects

    Large Master Planned Communities

    Hillside Development

    Environmentally Sensitive Sites

    Multifamily Apartment Developments or Condominiums

    Condo Conversions and Mapping

    Custom Estate Homes

    Mixed Use Projects

    Retail Developments

    Office Projects

    Research & Development Projects

    Industrial & Manufacturing Projects

    Institutional Projects such as:

    Education Facilities

    Public Recreation Facilities

    Urban Redevelopment & Public Transit Related Projects

    Military Facilities

    Coastal Developments, Waterfront Facilities, Piers, Beach Accesses

    LEED Certified Projects and Low Impact Environmentally Friendly Design

    Public Spaces & Parks

For property owners and developers, DJR Engineering also operates independently of DJR Cos., providing superior Land Planning, Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, and Condo Mapping services catered to the special needs of these clients.

For our public sector and military clients, we bring the same commitment of extraordinary service as with our private sector clients, delivering a superior work product on time, within budget.

For commercial owner/users, we can fully integrate with DJR’s Realty and Project Management / Real Estate Development divisions, providing a superior service from concept through site selection, construction, occupancy, and startup whether upgrading to a single new company facility or developing multiple retail locations.  

Land Planning

Specializing in solving difficult site development issues.

  • Project Management and Owner Representation

    Land Use Evaluation for Highest & Best Use

    Facility Suitability and Site Selection Analysis

    Feasibility Studies and Due Diligence

    Budget Analysis and Program Development

    Value Engineering of Land Development Plans for Budget Reduction

    Government Relations, Public Presentation, and Community Outreach

    Agency Submittals and Processing for Entitlements and Discretionary Permits

    Conditional Use Permits, Zone Changes, General Plan Amendments

    Master Plans, Specific Plans, Tentative Maps, Annexations, Coastal Permits

    Planned Development Permits, Street/Easement Vacations and Dedications

    Utility Service Layouts, Water/Sewer/Storm Drain Schematic Planning

    Public Facilities Planning, Recreation Areas and Streetscapes Design

    Low Impact Environmentally Friendly Sustainable Site Design

Civil Engineering

Specializing in cost effective, sustainable design solutions.

  • Project Management and Owner Representation

    Civil Engineering Support from Acquisition through Construction and Occupancy

    Value Engineering of Construction Documents for Cost Reduction

    Construction and Public Bond Estimates

    Agency Submittals and Processing for Construction Permits and As-builts

    Site Development and Horizontal Control Plans, Plot Plans

    Grading and Drainage Plans

    Street Improvement Plans

    Erosion Control Plans

    Rock Processing and Earthwork Analysis

    Access and Circulation Studies for Vehicles and Pedestrians

    Parking Layout Studies and Plans

    Site Lighting Layouts

    Hydrology and Hydraulic Studies, Flood Control Design

    Water Quality Technical Reports and Hydromodification Design

    Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans

    Storm Water Quality Management Plans

    Water, Sewer, and Storm Drain Infrastructure Plans and Technical Studies

    Fire Protection Plans and Permit Processing

    ADA Compliance Design

    Public Facilities Engineering and Construction Documents

    Water Quality Monitoring Pre/During/Post Construction

Land Surveying & Mapping

Efficient, accurate, & professional.

  • Boundary Surveys and Calculations

    Parcel Maps, Subdivision Maps, Condo Maps

    Topographic Surveys and Mapping, Cross Sections, Profiles

    ALTA/ACSM Surveys

    Encroachment Determination and Mapping

    Easement and Right-of-Way Analysis and Mapping

    Utilities Surveys and Telecommunications Mapping

    Legal Descriptions and Plats, Lot Line Adjustments, Condominium Maps

    Record of Survey Maps, Corner Records

    Drone Surveys, Aerial Photography, and Aerial Photogrammetry

    High Resolution Orthomosaic Photography and Mapping

    Global Position Surveys, Hydrographic Surveys, Location/Grade Certifications

    Construction Staking, Construction Progress Surveys, As-Built Surveys

    Control and Monitoring Surveys for Mitigation Programs, Test Sites, Wetlands

DJR Engineering’s experience is a culmination of 30+ years of A. Lambert & Associates (a civil engineering and land development firm) transitioning through and overlapping with the past 15-20 years of Lambert family project management and development to its current form as DJR Companies, and the subsidiary that is DJR Engineering.

We are headquartered in San Diego and may currently provide direct engineering services throughout California, where our engineers are licensed, with a focus on civil engineering and land surveying services in Southern California. Development, planning, and design services may currently be provided in other states under DJR Cos. as project manager over a locally hired engineering firm.