Industrial Facility Relocation, Buildout
Precision Optical

DJR represented the owner/user as project manager on the city’s largest commercial transaction that year, working as project lead of the management team for a $50M optics manufacturing company. DJR’s effort included project management from site selection to build-out and occupancy, including site feasibility studies, purchase and contract negotiations, budgeting, consultant coordination, agency processing, and construction management.
Location: 320 Kalmus Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Building Size: 41,655 SF
Lot Size: 2.4 Acres

A tilt-up warehouse built in the 1970’s was developed into a state of the art optics manufacturing and coating facility complete with a seismic retrofit, solar power, elaborate and complex mechanical/electrical/plumbing systems, clean room laboratory environments, and highly sensitive quality control laser equipment.
The cornerstone of DJR development and project management is our fully integrated programming and budgeting system.
DJR’s Concept Program and Outline Specification prepared at the beginning of the project brought efficiency to a multifaceted project, informed all concerned, identified and compared pricing/costing requirements, and narrowed down financing and development options. The program was then converted to a full prospectus through contractor selection as detailed financing, development, and construction programs moved forward. Forming the basis for contract and price negotiations, DJR’s program was completed with full construction documents and specifications.